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Spiritual Wellbeing: Your life has a purpose

Writer's picture: Lynsey  HessLynsey Hess

We are all a part of something bigger than ourselves. Whether it is a family, community, or just the idea that we are all human beings. Spiritual Wellbeing doesn't mean you have to be a part of a church; you recognize that your life has a purpose and that you have a sense of gratitude for at least one thing. Everyone's life is different, some are more privileged than others, but there will always be one thing you can be thankful for. Whether that be; family, the ability to see or hear, a home, or a job. Another big part of spirituality is that it can put things into perspective. For example, if you give yourself time to step back and get out of your head, you can see the struggles and triumphs of others. Helping you have gratitude but also a yearning to do more.

Some ways to practice spiritual well-being are practicing yoga or meditation, praying, religion, time spent alone to think, journaling, community service, hiking, being in nature, etc. However you choose to practice spiritual wellness is entirely up to you; everyone is different, but I do encourage you to try and practice it.

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